Oneshot BR v0.1 - Battle Royale AI


The original idea:

  • Everyone is spawned at a random location on the island
  • Everyone has only one bullet
  • Only one shot is needed to kill you (that's the theme of the jam)
  • People drop ammo when they die (if they have any)
  • Last one standing wins (classic)

But some of them didn't work very well so the gameplay had to be tweaked to make the game more fun:

  • Everyone only has a bullet
    • If you miss = no more fun
  • Everyone is spawned at a random location on the island
    • If you're spawned near an AI, you're pretty much screwed
    • People die really fast

Here's a few tweaks to the gameplay:

  • Everyone starts from the center of the island
  • Ammo is randomly spawn around the island

This way it's more fair... or not. If you're lucky, you can get some ammo or else you get targetted by others who do have ammo and get killed instantly.


AI was not present in the very first version.

It's pretty simple but enough to play with. These are the things they can do for now:

  • Roaming around
  • Picking up ammo
  • Targetting enemies (randomly for now)
  • Wasting all their ammo till their target gets killed
  • Running away from the rising toxic seawater

Files 9.8 MB
Version 0.1 Jul 23, 2018 10 MB
Version 0.1 Jul 23, 2018

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